On December 26, the Rondeli Foundation hosted the Political Party School graduation and Certificate Award ceremony. Thirty-eight representatives from 16 political parties completed the program in 2022 and 2023.

Several times, the program graduates and guests emphasized the importance of the project and its role in raising participants’ awareness, building intra-party dialogue and equipping the participants with new knowledge and skills.


Within the framework of the Political Party School, the participants were introduced to issues like the sociology of politics, the role of media, gender-related issues, foreign policy, national and international security, regional challenges, the Middle East, and economics. They were also trained in public policy analysis, political risk analysis, and negotiation techniques.


Rondeli Foundation has been implementing the Political Party School since 2009 with the support of different donor organizations. The program already has more than 500 graduates. Currently, the project is fulfilled with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

2023 წლის 26 დეკემბერს რონდელის ფონდში გაიმართა პოლიტიკური პარტიების სკოლის დასრულებისა და სერტიფიკატების გადაცემის საზეიმო ცერემონია