The German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Rondeli Foundation invite you on April 20 to a virtual conversation on U.S. engagement in the South Caucasus.
Over the last three decades the United States has played a critical role in advancing security and stability, prosperity, energy independence, human rights, and democratic reform across the South Caucasus region. During this period U.S. policy has been tailored toward country specific strategic engagements and desired outcomes in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. It has also included cooperation with key transatlantic partners, including the European Union and NATO. U.S. interests and policy focus, including assistance, are likely to undergo some reshaping and revitalization under the new Biden administration and based on the shifting political and security landscape in the region following the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and November 9 agreement between Yerevan and Baku as well increased role of regional powers Russia and Turkey. China and Iran also have deepened interests and activities in the region. Our speakers will focus on the priorities of the Biden administration in the South Caucasus region that is experiencing deep challenges, including in the ongoing political crisis in Georgia and upcoming elections in Armenia. Given the new landscape and threats in the South Caucasus, how can Washington strengthen its bilateral and regional engagement and build a deeper framework for cooperation with Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia?
Date and Time: April 20, 2021 | 9:30 AM EDT, online event
George Kent, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasion Affairs, U.S. Department of State.
Alexander Sokolowski, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, U.S. Agency for International Development.
Eka Metreveli, President, Rondeli Foundation.
Jonathan Katz, Senior Fellow and Director, Democracy Initiatives, The German Marshall Fund of the United States.
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