2018 / 06 / 08

On June 8, 2018 Rondeli Foundation hosted the group of students from the Democratic Education Network (DEN)), a flagship of the Department of Politics and International Relations, Westminster University, London.

Amb. Giorgi Badridze, the Senior Fellow and Kakha Gogolashvili, the Director of EU Studies Center at Rondeli Foundation briefed the student on the mission and the activities of the Foundation, the geostrategic importance of Georgia, security of the region, priorities of foreign policy and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Georgia.

The meeting was co-organized by St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia and Rondeli Foundation.

In the framework of the visit to Georgia, the students also have meetings with the representatives of governmental, international and non-governmental organizations.

The Visit of Students from Westminster University, London, June 8, 2018