From March 29 to April 2, 2021, in the framework of the “National Security and Public Policy” program, a short module on Georgia’s Southern Neighbours – Armenia and Azerbaijan was held. The lecures were conducted by Ivliane Haindrava, Advisor to the state minister of Georgia for Reconcilation and Civic Equality.

In 2014-2018, Ivliane Haindrava served as the Deputy Secretary of the National Security Council. He also headed the South Caucasus Research Program of the non-governmental organization Republican Institute in 2008-12. Earlier, In 2004–08 he was a member of the Parliament of Georgia; Member of the Defense and Security Committee; Member of the European Integration Committee; Member of the Standing Parliamentary Delegation of the South Caucasus Parliamentary Initiative.

The module is conducted in the framework of the flagship training program implemented by Rondeli Foundation and supported by the U.S. Government. National Security and Public Policy program is designed to prepare the policy analysts of the national security community for careers as government policymakers in defense/security agencies, diplomats and non-governmental policy analysts.