The project implemented in partnership with the Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs CENAA aimed to strengthen the capacity of the Georgian Security Sector Reform (SSR) and increased the intensity of reforms in this field, experience sharing in transition, support for building of democratic institutions. The strategic objective was to support capacities and capabilities necessary for Georgia’s integration into Euro-Atlantic structures.
Project focused at three specific goals:
1. Development of a model of mutual relations and competencies in the Georgian security sector
2. Institutionalization of long term defense planning – building of capacities and relevant institutions
3. Development of human capital at the ministries of foreign affairs and defense – assistance and development of civilian and military educational system in the area of security
In every area an exact plan and a number of recommendations for Georgian institutions would be developed. The plan included:
– Identification of problems and needs,
– Identification of the main actors responsible for the given area and having the competence for their solving,
– Ways, how the given problem was solved as a part of the security sector reform in Slovakia as well as possible application on the Slovak experiences,
– Proposal of exact solutions;
In addition the project would help to build a network between Slovak and Georgian experts and institutions.
The project was funded through SlovakAid-Official Development Assistance.