On the 21st of June, a public discussion was held in Pankisi Gorge in the framework of the project “Strengthening Minority Voices”. Senior Fellow of Rondeli Foundation, Alex Petriashvili with the pupils of Pankisi Gorge public schools, students, and teachers discussed the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on Georgia. During the meeting, participants had an opportunity to ask questions to Ambassador Maaike van Koldam and discuss the challenges and perspectives of the region. Ambassador, Maaike van Koldam also met with the local entrepreneurs active in the field of tourism.

The project “Strengthening Minority Voices” is supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Georgia.
ეთნიკური უმცირესობების ხმა - ჩართულობა და გაძლიერება ფარგლებში პანკისში  საჯარო დისკუსია გაიმართა