On March 17, 2009 the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, in cooperation with the Institute for Security and Development Policy (Sweden), held a public discussion in Akhalkalaki,Javakheti. The discussion constituted the first in a series of training and dialogue events within the project – “Strengthening National Integration in Georgia: Avenues for Competence and Confidence Building on Minority Issues” funded by the Swedish Government.
During the first part of the discussion, President of the Foundation, Dr. Alexander Rondeli held a lecture “Current Georgia-Russia relations, Mapping out the Roots and Implications of the August 2008 War in Georgia”. The second half of the discussion was dedicated to a lecture by the Foundation’s scholar Professor Vladimer Papava, who spoke about Georgian economics, in the Global Financial Crisis and Aid Distribution in the Post-War era. The discussion wasattended by the representatives of the local administration, civil society and students and was followed by the fruitful questions and discussions on contemporary Georgian politics and economics.