2013 / 10 / 21

On October 19-21, 2013 GFSIS hosted a confidence building meeting of Georgian and Russian experts, in the framework of the project Experts in Search Ways for Russia-Georgia Normalization. 

The overall objective of the project, funded by the British Embassy, is to open an alternative opportunity of interaction between Georgia and Russia and through this contribute to finding solutions for the long term and sustainable peace. The project purpose is to make a sustainable effort to build a nucleus of the confidence oriented experts in both countries.   

The first day of the roundtable included discussions on the number of bilateral issues: main political-economic developments in the respective countries, and its impact on the existing relations, Olympic Games in Sochi, situation in the North Caucasus, etc. The topics on international context included: 

Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, Prospects for Georgia. Russian expectations Impact on Russia-Ukraine Relation, Syria, Russia and the West, the expected outcome of the crisis. The last session was devoted to discussion of Regional Issues, – Turkey and Iran, Azerbaijan and Armenia, Energy and Transport. 

The meeting was attended by sixteen experts representing both countries and a Special Representative of the Prime-Minister of Georgia for Relations with the Russian Federation– Amb. Zurab Abashidze. 

The agenda of the second day mainly consisted of the topics, developed by the participants. Experts, who finished working on the draft Policy Papers briefly reported on their findings. The moderators stimulated engaging discussion over the proposed ideas. 

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Kakha Gogolashvili, GFSIS and Mr. Andrey Ryabov, Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO).

Meeting of Russian and Georgian Experts, October 21, 2013