On May 16, 2017 Mr. Kakha Gogolasvhili, the Director of the EU Studies Center at the Rondeli Foundation participated as a speaker in the international conference – „Georgia at the Nexus of Democratization and Europeanization: Prospects and Challenges” hosted by the Georgian Institute of Politics.

Civil society representatives, public officials, academics, and members of the business community were invited to discuss the state of democratization and Europeanization in Georgia, and to identify obstacles and opportunities for further democratic development.

The conference included 3 panels:
• Party Politics and Democratization – this panel addressed issues related to the further development and strengthening of political parties in Georgia.
• Parliamentarism – this session was devoted to discussion of the role that parliament can and does play in Georgia’s political system.
• Europeanization and Democracy – panelist discussed how Georgia can develop a coherent strategy to guide its relations with both the EU and NATO.
International Conference "Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey Trilateral Relations:Vision for the Future", June 5, 2017