2010 / 05 / 07

On May 7 -8 Georgian Security Analyses Center of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies hosted the guests from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

 Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs is a nearly 4 decades old national organization based in Washington D.C. It receives support from thousands of members nationwide and is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of key figures in the national security community and leadership throughout the United States.  The organization is committed to explaining the need for a prudent national security policy for the United States.  Over the years, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs has achieved a reputation as a credible and independent resource. Its findings and recommendations are published in a variety of formats including www.jinsa.org, regular op-eds, The Journal of International Security Affairs, monographs and conference proceedings.

Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs has been very supportive of Georgia, with one of their directors visiting shortly after the Russian attack.  The directors visited Georgia to familiarize themselves with the country.  They met with Jewish community leaders, American diplomats and Georgian officials.  They also visited Mtskheta, Tserovani and Gori.

7 May 2010