In the framework of the training program “Georgia’s Future Civil Service Leaders,” Rondeli Foundation launched a lectures for the third cohort. The topic of the module was Turkey and  Middle East.

The discussion covered topics related to Turkey’s internal and foreign policy priorities and the politics of the Middle east.

The meeting was conducted by Zurab Batiashvili, Research Fellow at Rondeli Foundation.

The program is implemented in cooperation with the Eesti Diplomaatide Kool/ Estonian School of Diplomacy. The project is designed to support Georgia’s civil servants on the career ladder by deepening their knowledge and enhancing their skills in the field of security and policy analysis.

The training program is supported by the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid.

მომავალ ლიდერ საჯარო მოხელეთა სასწავლო პროგრამის ფარგლებში ჩატარდა სალექციო პროცესი მესამე ნაკადის მონაწილეთათვის.