The project aimed to raise confidence between Georgian and Russian experts, identify ways for further normalization of Russia-Georgia relations through experts’ contributions as well as to assist the existing formats of consultations between the parties to receive the new momentum.
The project encompassed meetings between the nominated groups of experts from Georgia and Russia in a free discussion to make the joint analysis of the status of relations between the countries and identify the areas where progress still can be reached. The meetings also envisaged participation of a wider range of Georgian experts and possibly representatives of some official structures, with an objective to make Georgian wider community of experts and relevant officials familiar with the ideas and attitudes of Russian experts regarding the issues having influence on the present and future of Georgia-Russia relations.
The project activities included elaboration of the policy papers by Georgian and Russian experts dedicated to the topics discussed during the dialogue meetings.
The project was funded by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).