On November 1-3, 2022, the next discussion sessions of the project – “Community Youth Engagement in the Regions of Georgia ” were held for 18 different schools of Khulo Municipality.

Alex Petriashvili, Senior Fellow at the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, spoke about the topic: “Georgia and Western Alliances”

Zura Batiashvili – Research Fellow at the Rondeli Foundation discussed the topic: “Georgia’s relations with Turkey and the Middle East”

Community Youth Engagement in the Regions of Georgia has been launched since October 2021 by Rondeli Foundation with the financial support of the US Embassy, which aims to increase civic awareness among public school pupils of Mountainous Adjara and Adigeni Municipality and increase their capacity through non-formal educational activities.
1-3  ნოემბერი. პროექტი - „თემის ახალგაზრდების ჩართულობა საქართველოს რეგიონებში”