On March 5th, 2014 GFSIS hosted a roundtable discussion on the issues of nuclear security, organized with the support of the Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands in Georgia. The audience consisted of the representatives of Georgian civil society, media and expert’s community working on the issues of nuclear safety, relevant government agencies and international organizations. The roundtable discussion focused on following specific objectives: the increase of awareness about NSS and the issues of nuclear security, exchange of opinions among the stakeholders, elaboration of recommendations on the issues of nuclear security for the GoG and establishing of a network of stakeholders representing government agencies and NGOs working in the field of nuclear security.
The opening remarks were made by Dr. Alexander Rondeli, the president of GFSIS, Ms. Angele Samura, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands, and Ms. Bridget Brink, Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Georgia. The key presentation about the overview of the structure, content and implementation of the NSS was made by Dr. M. C. Schraver, the Nuclear Security Expert at the Directorate Nuclear Installations and Safety of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands.
During the first panel the representatives of Government of Georgia namely – MFA and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection presented the details of the preparation for the NSS 2014. The Head of Department of International Relations of the Ministry of Interior talked about the role of the ministry in the issues of nuclear security.
The second panel consisted of three presentations on Global Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agenda and the context of Georgia, The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy and Practice since the Independence of Georgia and Current Non-Proliferation Challenges, prepared by the representatives of the Civil Councils on Defence and Security. Both panels were followed by an engaging discussion.